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Darsilameh Medical Charity  


Set up in March 2015 after 2 years of planning, to provide basic healthcare for the people of Darsilameh village and the surrounding area.


Darsilameh village is over 25 km away from the town of Basse Santu Su in the Upper River Region of The Gambia where there is a basic government clinic and hospital. There are no other healthcare options for the local area. 


Nurse Lamin Jaiteh is providing the service to the community. 

Darsilameh Medical Charity is the realisation of a desire by Mohamed Gakou and his father to give something back to their ancestral village. Mohamed's father left Darsilameh village to seek employment in Paris in the 1960s and now lives in Dakar, Senegal.

Mohamed worked for 5 years in Wandsworth Medical Centre, London and his longstanding desire to set this clinic up convinced Dr Seth Rankin to offer support. 

A very little goes a very long way when providing such basic care and anything at all that you can contribute would be hugely appreciated.

Darsilameh Medical Charity is incorporated in The Gambia and has the number 69/2013

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